Colours of the Earth

Red hues of the sun smear across the sky.
Carnations blossom from a lush green field, oh!.

Orange autumn leaves descend to the ground.
These tulips sway in harmony all around.

Lose yourself in the bright yellow Canary’s birdsong,
Just as the sunflower lilts with every nudging of the Sun - light or strong.

Uncharted lush green rainforests that hold secrets untold,
What, oh what, do these scenic landscapes behold?

These vividly blue raindrops fall gently against my skin,
What is to a gentle lover’s touch akin.

Indigo finches chirrup of the sweet past.
Oh how, I wish all this would last.

In the violet of lilies and hydrangeas, there is this heavenly charm.
Careful, it could easily disarm.

The colours of the Earth are abundant;
The colours of the Earth are never redundant.

And my pride, as an Earthling
is in knowing,
I am borne of these hues:
These reds, and greens, and blues.
Forever full of life.
Forever glowing. 

"The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of The Renaissance" 

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