Stop Blaming: COVID and Doctors

Hey there,

I know, it’s hard for you to see your relatives dying. I know you feel that this is the end of the world. I know, you’re scared. I know, it’s like a nightmare.

It’s hard. It is hard for all of us. It is hard for children, elders, teens and literally everyone! We were hoping 2021 to be better after all.

But, do you think attacking doctors and social workers in exasperation is alright? They are working 24×7 to save the lives of as many people as they could. They’re giving so much to society but what are we doing in return? Beating them? Spitting at them? Throwing pebbles at them?

Well, you’ll say that bringing people to life is their job. True. It’s their job to save people but they are not magicians and nor do they have the elixir of life. They try to save people when they are in extremely bad condition or when they’re not able to arrange enough oxygen cylinders. They’re putting their lives at risk and they surely do not intend to make their patients suffer. Families of these doctors are suffering too. They’re already stressed, let’s not make it harder for them.

We have to stop blaming the world around us. It’s really not the right time to fight among ourselves. We have to be understanding and empathetic. Already, everyone is under pressure. Some people who lost their job are trying hard to feed their families. Some underprivileged families are spending lakhs of rupees in saving their loved ones. Some rich people are unable to find a bed in a hospital. Some old people are just praying to live for a few more years.

In today’s time, everyone is praying to make it to the next day. Everyone wants to see the sun rising. They want to spend time with their family and friends. Already, half of the world is cruel and rude. People can’t stop playing the blame game. Let’s start spreading love and kindness from YOU.

– Kita

"The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of The Renaissance" 

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